Over the last couple of months, people have found new ways to meet clients and introduce them to their services online. But in times where it is almost physically impossible to continue inviting clients to your office, how do you present your ethos, services, USPs etc in a nutshell to your clients? Simple - through a company profile.
A company profile is a document that you can share with your clients that highlights your company’s offerings to the clients. It can be sent over email, shown via screen sharing and even sent over WhatsApp. But are all company profiles as impressive and effective? Here are top 5 essentials your company profile must have:
Most people feel a company profile can be done in a word document. Well that is definitely an alternative but its not impressive. Pictures speak louder than words so you need a well-designed company profile with multiple pages to showcase your brand to your target audience.
Address client needs and provide solutions
Don’t let the tone of your company profile be all about what you do but about issues your clients are facing and how you can help solve them. Avoid using third person. Be formal yet personal.
Simple structure, clear content
Usage of complex English is not a good idea. Your clients can be people who’re probably very new to your industry. Write in a way that a common man can understand. remember, the company profile should be good to be able to sell on its own.
Include services, USPs and CASE STUDIES
If I show you how I have created excellent company profiles for other clients, you would be impressed. Similarly, if your clients see how you have helped people like them solve their issues, they’d be able to relate more. And that could turn the tables for you.
Include a list of your previous clients
Most often people feel that if they showcase their clients, their competitors may poach them. That’s actually not true because if you have provided a good service to your clients, they will develop a loyalty towards you and they’ll stick with you. At the most they may come back and negotiate with you but they wouldn’t leave you. Having a credible list of clients you’ve worked with creates a whole new impression so make sure you have it there.
So these are my tips. Feel free to add in anymore that you feel are good and important.
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